The EarthwormExpress

Letter to the Reader

Dear Reader,

Welcome to the Earthworm Express!  

A recent review of the blog described it as “a notable blog in the field of meat science and technology. It delves into a myriad of topics, ranging from the historical evolution of meat processing to modern technological advances. The blog stands out for its in-depth exploration of various aspects of meat science, blending rich historical context with contemporary industry insights. This makes it an invaluable resource for both industry professionals and enthusiasts interested in the art and science of meat. The blog’s comprehensive coverage and detailed analysis offer readers a unique perspective on the meat industry’s past, present, and future.

I dedicate this work to the men and women who love meat, its art and science!


Inside EarthwormExpress

For a complete list of all the articles, see Menu Page.

Bacon & the Art of Living – The Authoritative History of Bacon – never told before!

The complete story of bacon, told from a 20th-century perspective; cast in a steam-punk style.

Nose-to-Tail and Root-to-Tip: Re-Thinking Emulsions

I re-think every aspect of fine meat pasts in cooked sausage production from a commercial small-good manufacturers perspective. Every part of the animal is used and every part of the plant.

The best Bacon and Rib System on Earth

Years of dedicated research and design culminated in the best bacon system on earth.

Artisan Meat – Practiced from the beginning of time!

These pages are devoted to the curing art.   

About Nitrite

A list of my complete work on Nitrites. Nitrites are placed within their proper role in meat curing and human health and physiology.

The home of the history of bacon, ingredients and all technologies related to bacon curing.  As always, we deal with the history of its use and the chemistry and mechanics behind its functionality.

The Salt Bridge

The fascinating history of Salt from around the globe. It is key to our understanding of the development of curing.

The Present and Future of Meat Processing

The Present and Future of Food Processing features exciting and interesting new processes and technological frontiers.

Mechanisms of Meat Curing

Here we examine the mechanisms of meat curing.

Honey – the magical super-food

Honey is one of the world’s first natural medicine and to this day, an amazing superfood!  Here we consider its history and value as a functional ingredient in cured food formulations.

Kolbroek and the Kune Kune

The Kolbroek pig of the Western Cape and the Kune Kune of New Zealand represent two indigenous pigs with an enigmatic past.

Nitrate and Nitrite – their history and functionality

One of the most exciting stories in bacon is that of saltpetre (potassium nitrate) and sodium nitrite.

Sausages and Blended Hams

We delve into its history and focus on a few legendary sausages.

The Master Butcher from Prague, Ladislav NACHMÜLLNER

The amazing story of Ladislav Nachtmullner, the inventor of the first successful commercial curing brine containing sodium nitrite.

The Fascinating History and Use of Ascorbate

The amazing story of the discovery of ascorbate.

My memories of Woody’s

My memories of the company I created in 2008 with Oscar Klynveld.

Eben Interviews Food Mavericks

Here I celebrate the great men, women and companies from our industry – from the past and present.

 Counting Nitrogen Atoms – The History of Determining Total Meat Content

The history of total meat determination with nitrogen as basis.

Microbiology & Preservatives

Conventional and unconventional strategies to manage micro.

My memories

I’ve been long enough in this industry to have great memories. Here I share them.

A List of Articles: Power-Nutrition for UFC Fighters and other fighting sports such as boxing and Judo.

Have a question or comment or contribution?

Have a project that you want me to be a part of? Want a one-stop solution for complete factory design (including complete Autocad Drawings and on-site supervision of construction) with product flows, ISO2200/ HACCP compliance and the latest equipment? Be introduced to the best functional suppliers around the world or do you need an NPD outsourced solution? Please contact me!

Let’s connect on Social Media! And yes, you are welcome to send me a WhatsApp!

Don’t forget the many interesting links in the menu to the right! Most importantly, please subscribe!

A small selection of site pictures

4 thoughts on “The EarthwormExpress

  1. What a stunning website! Very valuable information and very interesting reading.

    Great Eben!

  2. thanks , very interesting web site.
    well done.
    Richard Brummer
    Cleaning World

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