Eskort and Enterprise: Echoes in the first Union of South Africa cabinet

Gen Louis Botha was the man who pushed for the development of the meat industry in SA. He had a great ally in David de Villiers Graaff who created ICS which became Tiger Brands.

In 1910 the Union of South Africa was created uniting the Transvaal, Free State, Natal and the Cape. Botha was asked to become Prime Minister. Above is a photo of his first cabinet. David was a member of this cabinet. He is in the back row on the right.

FR Moor is 3rd from the left, back row, looking to his right. His younger brother, JW Moor was the chairman of the farmers cooperative that became Eskort. Botha opened the Eskort factory in Estcourt, Natal shortly before he passed away.

The complete list of men on the photo and members of the first Union cabinet is: Back row, left to right: Gen JBM Hertzog, H Burton, FR Moor, Col. G Leuchars, Gen JC Smuts, HC Hull, FS Malan and David de Villiers Graaff. Front: JW Sauer, Gen Botha, and A Fischer.

Through the presence of Botha, De Villiers Graaff and Moor one can see the two South African cold meat giants, Enterprise and Eskort, the largest bacon producer in South Africa represented in the first cabinet.

Here are the individual photos are of De Villiers Graaff and Moor.


De Villiers-Graaff

My uncle Jan Kok added the following anecdotes to this story.

Oupa en ouma Kok was vurige Sappe en ondersteuners van die Verenigde Party waarvan die jonger De Villiers Graaff op ‘n stadium die leier was. So was ook albei my pare grootouers vurige Sappe. Die dag toe Gen Smuts in Pretoria begrawe is, het oupa Eben en oupa Giel spesiaal vir die dag Pretoria toe gery om langs die straat te gaan staan net om te sien hoe die begrafnisstoet verby ry.

Smuts and Botha were lifelong friends.

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