Occurrences of “mild cure” in English Newspapers

Addendum A,  Occurrences of “mild cure” in English Newspapers, to Tank Curing came from Ireland

Investigation.  Searcing the phrase “mild cure” + bacon in “newspapers.com to trace the references from newspapers in Great Brittain to Mild Cured bacon.

Limericks bacon

The first time I encounter the term Mild Cure in any newspaper reports is in 1937.

1837 – A fascinating report from Northern Ireland, reporting on the London Provisions Market of July 17th.  Reporting on arrivals from Ireland it said that  the Bacon market was dull the past week but for “a small parcel of mild cure.” (Belfast News-Letter (Belfast, Antrim, Northern Ireland) 21 July 1837)

1840 – From Limerick and Waterford, it is reported on butter, bacon and lard demand. They talk about “fresh bacon” as one category of bacon they report on.  (Jackson’s Oxford Journal (Oxford, Oxfordshire, England) 15 August 1840, p 4

The second time we encounter the term “mild Cure” is in 1942.

1942 – Reporting in the Provisions section of Jackson’s Oxford Journal which would regularly report on bacon prices from Ireland.    The 1842 mention about produce from Ireland reads, “In the bacon market there is no great alterations;  heavy bacon is more inquired after, and all fresh mild cure meets a fair demand.”  Heavy bacon is then another opposite to mild cure.  (Jackson’s Oxford Journal (Oxford, Oxfordshire, England) 17 September 1842, p4)

1844 – From Bristol, a market report that mentions Irish “mild cured” bacon calls it “fresh mild cure which is a shade dearer”  (The Bristol Mercury and Daily Post, Western Countries and South Wales Advertiser  (Bristol, Bristol, England) 15 June 1844, p7)

1844 – Reporting on produce from Limerick and Waterford, “The abundance of vegetables has caused a better demand for Bacon, and a large quantity of meat which was getting out of condition has been taken at rather easier rates. . . . ”  It then quotes the prices for “prime mild cure”.  (Jackson’s Oxford Journal (Oxford, Oxfordshire, England) 6 July 1844, p 4.)

In total, I found 5 references to mild cured bacon from 1845.  All indications were that the supply was limited.

1845 – The Provisions report reads that demand for “choice mild-cured Bacon continues brisk” It also mentions “mild-cured middles.  These are presumably from Waterford.  (Jackson’s Oxford Journal (Oxford, Oxfordshire, England) 26 July 1845, p4.)

In 1845, there are 9 references Irish mild cured bacon.

1847 – The Provisions section makes mention of trading in “old Bacon.”  Not necessarily in comparison to Irish bacon, but could this be “old bacon’ vs mild cured bacon”?  (Jackson’s Oxford Journal (Oxford, Oxfordshire, England) 30 January 1847, p. 4)

1848 – The Provisions report reads, “the demand for fine signed Irish Bacon continues, and the small stock on hand enables holders to get full prices.”  Later on, it says that “small and mild Irish Hams meet brisk sales”.  (Jackson’s Oxford Journal (Oxford, Oxfordshire, England) 12 August 1848, p 4.)

1851 – A comment is made on bacon prices quoted from Limerick and Waterford.  The Brittish newspaper reports that “Irish bacon has engaged rather more attention, and the business doing still but small:  occasional sales are made of prime sizable at extreme prices both for landed parcels and free on board. . . ”  (Jackson’s Oxford Journal (Oxford, Oxfordshire, England) 7 June 1851, p 4)

1853 – From Dublin, a report that says “We are glad to observe that several Dublin curers are now introducing the system of mild cure in bacon as well as hams, in consequence of the great difference had in price.  (The Freeman’s Journal, (Dublin, Dublin, Ireland) 11 Feb 1853, p1)

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